Musings of a Marfan Mom

Sleep Study, Take 2


We got a call yesterday afternoon, asking if I’d want to bring Baby J in for a repeat sleep study that night. The scheduler asked me why we’d quit the one on Sunday. “Was he sick or something?” she asked. “Well, he got so upset that he vomited all over himself,” I replied. “Oh…why do you think he got upset?” “Well, my guess is because the tech wouldn’t listen to me about where the pulse ox sensor should go so he had to wake J up to replace it.”

Not sure if the scheduler talked to the tech or not, but it was a very different experience this time around:

– Instead of me holding J down to get the electrodes placed, he was allowed to cruise around the crib and one tech glued on the electrodes while the other tech played “pick up the toy J drops” game. Instead of tears there were giggles.
– The tech placed O2 sensors on both feet and triple wrapped them.
– When one O2 sensor was kicked of, it was easy to just plug in the 2nd one (& he waited till J was in stage 3 sleep to do it). And when that one was kicked off, instead of replacing them the tech just added one to a finger. We went through 5 sensors.
– Instead of calling it quits after an hour or no sleep, the tech brought in a brand new, different kind of mask to try and when that was too large, he suggested we let J fall asleep with his mask on but the CPAP turned off. Then he turned the CPAP on when J was in a deep sleep.
– When, about 2:45 am, I decided J was too upset for the test to continue, the tech quickly stopped everything and got him ready to go home.

It looks like we got the data we need, but we’ll have to wait for the pulmonologist to call (probably next week) to be sure. Thanks for all your advice and Facebook support, everyone!


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