Musings of a Marfan Mom

Friday Favorites


Welcome to Friday Favorites! If you’re new to the blog, here’s how to play along. Every Friday I devote my post to showcasing awesome blog posts by other bloggers that I’ve read over the past week or two. I invite you to do the same and link up here, OR just link up directly to those posts you’ve loved this week. This is any easy way to share the love and find great new blogs.

Today is Light it Up Blue for Autism, to kickstart autism awareness month. In honor of that, I’m featuring some of my favorite autism-themed blogs today.

1) Adventures in Extreme Parenthood (& please sign the petition she mentions in her post Autism and Wandering Go Hand in Hand!)

2) Anybody Want a Peanut? I find a lot of comfort in her posts, particularly the recent Path of Destruction, which could have been describing M.

3) Big Daddy Autism I spent a good chunk of time the other day just reading through his archives and laughing. His blog really does show the lighter side of autism. He also has a blog radio show called Autism WTF.

4) Life is a Spectrum For whatever reason I can’t get a direct link to Amanda’s posts, but check out A Few Things Mama Learned During Spring Break 2011; it’s on the main page of the blog.

5) The Sensory Processing Disorder Blogger Network (while SPD is not on the autism spectrum, many children with autism have SPD). There’s a new post every day and some great sensory-related giveaways.


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