Musings of a Marfan Mom

A Call for Posts


A large part of the reason I started this blog was to provide women with Marfan and related disorders a place to get a realistic story of pregnancy/motherhood and to allow us to connect with each other. As I get closer to the time to deliver Smudge I’ve been spending some time reading birth stories online. However, none of them really seem to apply to me. They’re all either beautiful stories of unmedicated homebirths (which I’d love to have but personally can’t) by able-bodied women or super traumatic stories of emergency c-sections (a little close to home). Where are the stories of the births of mommas with disabilities? Or of great epidural births?

That got me thinking. I’m obviously going to need to take a short hiatus from writing once Smudge comes, but I’d like the blog to still have new content during that time. Guest posts could solve that. So, I’m opening:

A Call for Birth Stories From Women With Disabilities

Whether you knew about your diagnosis ahead of time or not, whether you had a vaginal birth or a c-section, medicated or not, I want to hear your story. Positive birth stories are awesome, but if yours wasn’t what you hoped please feel free to submit it too because I want to keep this blog real and the reality of having a disability is that sometimes our deliveries are complicated. I’m going to leave the term disability open-ended, but I’m basically looking for high-risk pregnancies (or what would have been if you’d known your diagnosis). You don’t need to have a connective tissue disorder.

If you’re interested in having your birth story published here, email me your story at You can post using your own name and a short bio, or you can post anonymously. I’m due in 7 weeks, which means I’ll probably be having the baby in the next 5-9 weeks. So, the sooner you can submit your post the better, and I’ll take as many as I can get. If you have any questions, let me know. Feel free to submit a picture as well.

Spread the word!


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