Musings of a Marfan Mom

November 12, 2012
by marfmom

Guest Posting

My awesome friend Kirsten invited me to guest post over at her blog, Running for Autism, today. She and I met via an online support group for Autism parents. This is National Health Post Blog month, so Kirsten was kind enough to invite me to write about what Marfan syndrome is and how it affects our family. Please go check it out! 🙂

November 9, 2012
by marfmom

Friday Favorites

It’s Friday, so you know what that means!

Come on over and link up the favorite post that you wrote this week. I promise I’ll come over and comment on each of your posts. I hope that you’ll spread the love and visit the blog or two above yours too. I’ll leave the linky up through Monday morning.