Musings of a Marfan Mom

Happy Thoughts #1


I’ve decided to periodically post things that make me happy, because it makes me smile 🙂

1. My wonderful husband, who is working so hard out in CA for our family!

2. Planning to welcome our first child (hashing out the nursery, discussing baby names, buying cute clothes, etc.)

3. Baby kicks (even the ones in the ribs)!

4. The NieNie blog

5. Chocolate chip milkshakes from UDF

6. Pineapple

7. Yogurt (totally craving it right now but too tired to go to the grocery store…how pathetic am I? Lol)

8. My awesome “Marfriends” and our online chats

9. Having the energy to leave the house for a little bit every day (like to go to the art museum with Steph G. today)

10. Cell phones, so Mark and I can talk every day


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