Musings of a Marfan Mom

Friday Favorites


Welcome to Friday Favorites! If you’re new to the blog, here’s how to play along. Every Friday I devote my post to showcasing awesome blog posts by other bloggers that I’ve read over the past week or two. I invite you to do the same and link up here, OR just link up directly to those posts you’ve loved this week. This is any easy way to share the love and find great new blogs.

Somebody tweeted out this post by The Daddy Complex, called My Wife’s Wish. It’s short and sweet 🙂

Shawna over at Connected Mom wrote What Your Baby Remembers. I’d watched the same show she mentions in her post and it was so sad. I really love Shawna’s positive take on it though, and it gives me a new perspective with my parenting.

I recently discovered Little Bit Quirky. Cheryl‘s post Wow! It’s Been Two Whole Weeks Since I’ve Had a Parenthood Post! was inspired by, you guessed it!, the show Parenthood. (For those of you who don’t know, one of the characters is a child with aspergers syndrome.) She discusses the idea of inclusion programs when it comes to kids with special needs and how hard the decision whether or not to mainstream your child can be.

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