Everyone says that each pregnancy is different, each child is different. I’ve been surprised, though, at how different my two pregnancies are from each other.
Let me put it this way: If Menininho was destined from the womb to be a chill surfer-dude, this time I’m gestating a future Hell’s Angel.
I had some nausea with Menininho’s pregnancy, but nothing bad. I was tired but didn’t need naps. He rarely ever kicked. In fact, we ended up in Labor and Delivery once where even the nurse couldn’t get the kid to move. The nerve pain was bad through week 15, but that was it.
A relatively easy pregnancy translated into a relatively easy baby. He latched correctly immediately, more or less gained weight well, started sleeping 5 hour stretches at 3 1/2 weeks of age. He has an easy going personality still, just with the occasional toddler tantrum.
This time around? Not so much.
I have nausea from early afternoon till bedtime, most every day. I’ve had to miss or leave church early a couple of times for it. I nap just about every day for about 2 hours, while Menininho sleeps. By evening I’m in bed from the pain, which is the only thing that’s been consistent between pregnancies. On the upside, I’m much less moody with this pregnancy!
I don’t say all of that to complain, not at all, but just to marvel at how varied the two experiences have been so far. My prediction? This kid is going to be super active in the womb and come out with an attitude.
For those of you with multiple biological pregnancies, did you see a big difference between them?
Also, have you entered my Guidecraft Puppet Theatre giveaway yet?
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