The past few days I’ve felt really overwhelmed with gratitude. I was in the process of creating a blog post around that when I remembered that since it’s the end of the month, it’s time for the Project Smile (hosted by Kristi and Alicia) blog hop anyway!
I get to go to Ohio and Wisconsin in 3 weeks! I haven’t been home in a year and have been terribly homesick at times. One of my brother’s best friends is getting married and we’re going to bless Baby J in the congregation I grew up in the next day, and visit so many friends and see our cousins and take tons of pictures and it’s going to be great.
Deep pressure therapy. I loooove the OT who taught me about this! It’s really made a difference for M when he’s having a sensory meltdown. Like tonight….he woke up screaming and head banging and he started gagging because he was crying so hard. Some well-placed squeezes and he was back asleep within minutes. IT’S AMAZING PEOPLE!
Chicken nachos. I got this recipe off a bulletin at church. Cook up 2 chicken breasts (shredded), 1 can black beans, 1 can corn, 1 can tomato sauce, taco seasoning, and a cup of cheese together in a pan. Pour over tortilla chips and top with whatever else you want. They are soooo good.
I get to take a cake decorating class this summer. I have always wanted to and now I finally am. I registered for it yesterday, along with a parent/child soccer class with M. Maybe he’ll do his Brasilian roots proud and be the next Pelé!
These guys. I mean seriously…who wouldn’t wake up with a big smile on their face every morning if they got to hang out with these two? Plus, I get to be at home with them. Mark and I still look at each other almost daily and say “Can you believe these are our kids? How are we this lucky?”
What are YOU smiling about this month? Link on up! (Just click the button below!)

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