Musings of a Marfan Mom

Friday Favorites


I’ve got some awesome posts lined up to share with you for Friday Favorites this week!

Arwyn of Raising My BoyChick addressed the issue of kids’ attachment to their mothers/mothers finding time for themselves/the impossibility of finding a balance in her post No, less-than-threes do not need their moms 24/7/365. Basically, it’s her response to an article that says mothers need to stay with their children 24/7 for their first 3 years. Arwyn argues that motherhood is important enough that we need to be allowed to take time for ourselves because what good is a stressed out parent? Also, our society has gotten away from the idea of a village raising a child, and maybe we need to get back to that because really, how could a child NOT benefit from being loved by and attached to a variety of people?

PhD in Parenting also addresses this article in her post Grin and bear it: Parenting, happiness, and the pressure cooker. Besides expounding on the idea that women today are in some ways being forced to take on all of the parenting of young children while fathers are feeling forced out of it, she also discusses the idea of children making us happy.

And, for something completely different, head on over to read Jen’s article entitled Giving Our Kids a Global Perspective. She’s made it a priority to take her kids on trips with her around the world. While Jen admits not everyone can afford to take their kids jet-setting (how I wish I could!), she does touch on other ways to get them thinking about the world around them.


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