Musings of a Marfan Mom

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday! This week I’ve got two birth themed posts.

Kayce is a doula and aspiring midwife who just found out she’s pregnant with her 2nd child. I really enjoyed her post Cesareans Don’t Just Scar Your Skin. I think the grief that can accompany a c-section isn’t something that is talked about…like as long as the baby is ok, that should be all that matters. Kayce describes the reasons a woman may be upset and the healing process that can be needed. As someone who still has frustrations with what happened after her c-section, I appreciated the post.

Cassie is also a doula, also pregnant (#3). She is preparing for a natural birth and wrote her post Why I Take Medication, but Deny Interventions, to explain that. She’s someone who is quick to take medication for headaches and the like, but since childbirth is not an illness, doesn’t need it for that kind of pain. While obviously natural childbirth isn’t for everyone, I really agree with her argument.


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