Musings of a Marfan Mom

2010 Resolutions


I was delighted to see that I could kill two birds with one stone this week by blogging about my New Year’s Resolutions, which also just happens to be Mama Kat’s Writers’ Workshop prompt #5. I hope you all will keep me accountable on these!!!

1) I resolve to exercise 3 days a week. Now that my medicine seems to be helping, my only excuse for not hitting the exercise bike/treadmill/going for a brisk walk is that it’s way more fun to catch up on Heroes episodes online. But now, I’ve got PhD in Parenting and Lactating Girl keeping me honest. If you want to join the Twitter support group, just use the hashtag #mamafit!
2) I resolve to cook more often. Mark & I have been so busy recently that we’ve been making quick and easy dinners. I really want to experiment with gluten free cooking (I’ve been finding some GREAT websites!) and have more formal, sit-down dinners.
3) I resolve to try to work on blog posts ahead of time. Well actually, this is probably a lie. I know I pay for it the next morning, but I just can’t seem to write unless it’s at least 11:30 PM the night before I want to post. Case in point: I tried to start this post Tuesday late afternoon. It’s now close to 1 in the morning on Thursday.
4) Oh, and this one will make my dear husband very happy. In 2010, I resolve to try to clean out and organize my email inbox. Currently I have 6,452 messages. Mark insists this is in no way, shape, or form ok. Neither is my cluttered desktop full of shortcuts and folders and random documents. So honey, this is for you!

What are some of your resolutions? Do you follow through with them? Even bother to make any to begin with?


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